Our Young People's Service supports older looked after children age 16-18 to gain independence skills to set them up in adult life .
Young people will be supported to complete their journey to independence in a supportive environment using a trauma informed approach. As the young person develops, the level of support is reduced until they are ready to move on at 18.
Most of our young people's services provide 24/7 support whilst others provide ‘step-down’ accommodation for young people who are moving towards more living.
Our Ethos and Values
The Ark Project believes in the strength of diversity and individuality. Every young person that is placed within our services can expect to be supported using an approach that seeks to understand and accept them as an individual….
Our Aims & Objectives
One of the organisation’s core aims will always be to provide a warm, safe and supportive environment for young people.
This is regardless of whether these are individuals that are leaving residential care, or if they are unaccompanied minors with entirely unknown needs.